Book Donations

Missing in a Series

Our patrons love authors who continue characters through a book series. You will make many of our patrons happy if you donate missing books that fill in our series.

Go to the catalog to check to see if we have a book in a particular series. Click More Search Options. Click the middle tab Series Search.

We also have an Amazon Shopping List with our missing or lost books.

Books in Good Condition

We also accept donations of books in good condition. If the books are on our wish list or shopping list for lost books, they will go on the shelf right away. YEAH!! If the book is not on our wish list, it will be reviewed for placement. Donated books may replace library books in bad condition or be donated to community reading shelves, while others are placed on our For Sale shelf or go to Better World Books.

We have a separate shopping list for Children’s Books. Because who can resist?

Check with Us First

Either way, please give the library a call (580-298-5649) before donating more than one box of books. Sometimes we have had several donations in a row and have no more room to sort and process additional donations.